Friday, June 18, 2010

My hair is thinning?

ive always had thick hair..well lately its been feeling thin..i do use a straightner quite often..and i also blow dry my hair before i straighten it...could that have something to do with my hair thinning out?..when im in the shower and washing my hair..i run my hand through my head and hair comes out..not alot...but some..any suggestions on what i should do?..thanks

My hair is thinning?

What I think would be helpful for you is to take a vitamin supplement. The best combination vitamin for your hair is a (hair/skin/nails) vitamin this you can get at any vitamin store. Another important vitamin that can help you from hair shedding is a vitamin called (Biotin) this is usually taken at a dose of 5000mcg for hair loss. You can also purchase these vitamins off the Internet. I would say to take these two vitamin supplements should cost you no more than $25 a month or less. Also using a hair thickening shampoo and conditioner will help you achieve that thicker hair you have lost.

My hair is thinning?

Cut down on how much you apply heat to your hair. Thats the reason why your hair is falling out. Make sure you condition your hair really good.

My hair is thinning?

i have the same problem but i cant stop straightening my hair, because if i dont it looks bad! :(

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